First step, please create a new SKU value in ChannelMAX inventory. It should be a non sell able SKU and labelled as MasterSKU {for example, widget}. This SKU should not be listed in Amazon or any other selling venue. It will simply be used as an umbrella to group the sibling SKUs.
As a next step, we need to create new SKUs to be added under this masterSKU as child SKUs. {such as widget-a, widget-b, widget-c}
You may refer to the following screenshot to better understand this setup.
In this example, when any one of the 3 SKUs sell, all the sibling SKUs will be deducted with the sold quantity and quantity for all 3 SKUs will be re-adjusted back to the selling venue. That is, when child SKU 'widget-a' sold by qty 1, then it will subtract 1 from each of other two sibling SKUs and ChannelMAX will feed 9 for all 3 SKUs back to the selling venue from original qty 10.
To update inventory quantity for all the siblings SKUs in one go, you need to simply update the inventory of master SKU and quantity will be propagated to the children SKUs.
As per the following screenshot, A01 is the master SKU, hence no MinSellingPrice or ASIN needed, but Title is needed.
A01-A/A01-B/A01-C are the children of this master SKU A01,
Therefore, MinSellingPrice as well as ASIN are needed, but Title is not needed
MasterSKUControlsInv is Y, meaning that if any of the sibling sells, qty is deducted from all.
MasterSKU is not selleable, hence ASIN is not available.
C-01 and D-01 are independent SKUs, and not part of any MasterSKU
File Upload:
You may create Master-Child relationship via 'File Uploader' too. We need 2 files uploaded as below.
A) Master SKUs file:
SKU (should be populated with MasterSKU value)
MaxSellingPrice (any value, as this is one of the mandatory columns to upload file)
Quantity (Same value will be reflected for each child SKU)
B) Child SKUs file:
You may upload a file with different min/max values for each child SKU. The file should contain the following columns..
SKU (child SKU)
Selling Venue
MasterSKUControlsInventory (this column should have value Y)
MinSellingPrice(optional, needed for repricing only)
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