When your account is created, SKUs are auto-downloaded from Amazon with your current Amazon price saved as a 'Max' price under 'Repricer' but, the 'Min' field will be missing. For repricing, we need Min price too. To upload your inventory file to ChannelMAX through a bulk upload with appropriate min and max prices, you may refer to the following steps:
File structure:
SellingVenue (Column value should be AmazonUS or AmazonUK or AmazonDE or as appropriate)
Next, save this file in tab-delimited text format. Here is a sample file.
How to upload a file?
Once you have the file read, please do the following steps to upload the file to ChannelMAX
Open Google Chrome
Login to selling.channelmax.net
Click on the "Inventory" menu and then click "File Uploader"
1. Click on "Analyze New File" button
2. Select the .txt file that you have ready from your computer and click on "Open"
3. Click on "Upload File Content To ChannelMAX"
When the file is uploaded, details can be verified using the "Repricing" screen.
In addition to the above columns mentioned under File Structure, you may add information like RepricingModelID, FolderID, PurchasePrice, Quantity, etc. using Fileuploader.
Below is the list of columns allowed on File Uploader:
Sl. no | Column Headers | Type | Instructions |
1. | SKU | Text | Your Amazon Merchant SKU |
2. | ASIN | Text | ASIN associated with the SKU |
3. | MinSellingPrice | Numeric | Minimum allowed price for repricing |
4. | MaxSellingPrice | Numeric | Maximum allowed price for repricing |
5. | Purchase Cost | Numeric | Procurement Cost of the item |
6. | Quantity | Numeric | Stock level |
7. | ActualShippingCost | Numeric | Shipping Cost Incurred to fetch the products from Manufacturer/Supplier |
8. | Unit Cost | Numeric | Minimum cost of the product |
9. | Retail | Numeric | Maximum cost of the product |
10. | Manufacturer | Text | Name of the manufacturer |
11. | MAP | Numeric | Minimum Advertized Price of the Product |
12. | RepricingModelID | Numeric | The numeric ID of the repricing model as displayed on Settings-->Repricing-->Repricing Model |
13. | Inventory ProfileID | Numeric | The numeric ID of the inventory profile as displayed on Settings-->Inventory-->Inventory Profile |
14. | LeadTimeToShip | Numeric | Shipping & handling time of the SKUs on Amazon |
15. | Amazon Category | Text or Numeric | Must match back to Amazon CategoryID |
16. | MyTitle | Text | Name of the product |
17. | Condition | Text | Item condition - New or Used |
18. | RelatedASINs | Alphanumeric | Related ASINs of the items you are selling |
19. | UPC | Numeric | Universal Product Code of the SKU |
20. | EAN | Numeric | European Article Number of the SKU |
21. | FolderID | Numeric | The numeric ID of the folder is displayed on Settings-->Inventory-->Folders/Labels page |
22. | Weight | Numeric | Weight in ounces or kilograms |
23. | SupplierID | Numeric | Must be already present in ChannelMAX |
24. | ProductModel | Alphanumeric | As per the model product model info provided by the manufacturer |
25. | BrandName | Text | Brand name of the product |
26. | SupplierPartNumber | Alphanumeric | Vendor/Supplier part number |
27. | MPN | Alphanumeric | Manufacturer part number |
28. | MasterSKU | Text/Numeric | MasterSKU name [nonsellable SKU] |
29. | Detach | Text | This column should have value Y to detach the SKU or N to ignore |
30. | Child SKU | Text | Name of the SKU to be associated with the Master SKU |
31. | SalePrice | Numeric | The sale price or the discounted price to be displayed on Amazon |
32. | SaleStartDate | Numeric | Sale Start Date should be in MM-DD-YY format |
33. | SaleEndDate | Numeric | The sale End Date should be in MM-DD-YY format |
34. | MerchantPrime | Text | Should have value Y to mark as merchant prime and value N to set an SKU as NOT Prime |
35. | MasterSKUControlsInv | Text | Should have value Y to control the quantity of master SKU and N to ignore |
36. | SellingVenue | Text | The value should be AmazonUS or AmazonUK or AmazonDE etc |
37. | Image1 | URL | Image URLs, Up to 5 image URLs could be uploaded for an SKU |
38. | Image2 | URL | Image URLs, Up to 5 image URLs could be uploaded for an SKU |
39. | Image3 | URL | Image URLs, Up to 5 image URLs could be uploaded for an SKU |
40. | Image4 | URL | Image URLs, Up to 5 image URLs could be uploaded for an SKU |
41. | Image5 | URL | Image URLs, Up to 5 image URLs could be uploaded for an SKU |
If you have any questions, please feel free to submit a new support ticket by clicking on your user name on top right and then by clicking on "Support" link section or email to support@channelmax.net.
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