How to update the Re-Order quantity in ChannelMAX?
Here is how to update the "Re-Order" quantity manually in the ChannelMAX Inventory by following the steps shared below.
Open Google Chrome or Firefox
Log into
Click on "Repricing"
1. Search by SKU or ASIN
2. Click on the pencil icon under column 'Qty'
3. Input the appropriate value in "Reorder.Qty"
4. Click on "Save".
Note: If the quantity (green color) in the ChannelMAX Inventory falls below the Reorder quantity, an email alert will be generated.
A) You may update the "Re-Order" quantity by uploading a file to ChannelMAX via the "Inventory --> File Uploader" screen. The file may have the following columns.
a. SKU
b. SellingVenue (Should be populated with appropriate Selling Venue)
c. ReOrder Quantity
How to Search the SKUs with a certain Re-Order quantity
1. Login to
2. Click on "Repricing"
3. Remove the existing filter (if any)
4. Click 'Advanced Filter-->SKU Filter'
5. Tick mark the option 'Below Reorder level' under the Counts tab
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