ChannelMAX repricing for Buy.COM) is achieved by combining two file, the Buy.COM listing export and the your Min/Max price range. For Buy.COM repricing, please refer the following steps:
We will need your Buy.COM FTP login detail. You may need to contact Buy.COM for this purpose. You need to navigate to 'Settings(Beta) --> Selling Venues --> Buy.COM'. Then you need to input all the required field values as shown in the following image and then click on 'Save Selling Venue'. Please note that Buy.COM will provide you the FTP login ID and password. The FTP url is always
This is for uploading the Buy.COM listing export file to ChannelMAX.
Please note that only those listings in this file uploaded to ChannelMAX will be repriced.
(2a) Download your listing report from Buy.COM. It will give you the file with version 3.0. When you open the file using Excel, it will look like the image that follows
(2b) Re-name this file as [ChannelmaxLoginName]-BuyComListingExport.txt
if your login ID is "demo001", this file name will be demo001-buycomlistingexport.txt. Click here to see how to download Listing Export file
(2c) upload to ChannelMAX using 'Unified --> File Uploader'
Please note that you need to only browse the file and click on 'Analyze This New File'
NO need to map any column
and NO need to click on any of the upload buttons such as "B" or "C"
Now you create a file containing the following
SKU (aka ReferenceID in Buy.COM)
MAP (optional)
Selling Venue (populated with value
ASIN not needed for Buy.COM repricing
The file will like the following image, save the file as tab delimited text file

Then upload this saved file to ChannelMAX using "Unified --> File Uploader" .. containing only few hundreds during trial. Please note that MaxSellingPrice is stored as "Retail/Max" and MinSellingPrice is stores as "Cost/Min" in ChannelMAX inventory.
As a next step, you may define new reprice rule named '' by navigating to 'Repricing Model' and clicking on 'Copy' to the left of 'Repricing Model List'.
Now under 'Settings-->Selling Venues --> Buy.COM', make sure that option#2a and 2b are enabled. Please note until you input valid credentials into ChannelMAX, no prices will be fed to Buy.COM.
Now you may navigate to 'Process Setup' and click on 'Create New Schedule' at the top right of the screen. In the new panel opened, choose 'Venue' as Buy.COM from the drop down list, select process name as 'Repricing' and click on 'Schedule Add' at the bottom right of this window.
Once you schedule it, please give upto 5 mins for the schedule to kick off.
Once schedule kicks off, in 'Process Setup', the "Last Run At" will be populated with time stamp.

Once the repricer is completed,you would have a comprehensive report to analyze. If you are happy with the report, then you may choose to go live by unchecking reprice rule#44a under 'Repricing model -> Home'.

You may click on 'Submitted Processes' to see the progress of the job.
If the EndTime is populated, that means that the process is complete.
If the EndTime is populated, you can click on the 'R' link in the grid to Download The Reprice Report In Excel

Once the process completes, you can review reprice report by clicking on the 'R' link and then opening the file in spread sheet.
Please make sure you analyze the report very carefully. If you need any tweaking in the reprice price, you may change 'Repricing Model' and/or re-upload your data file with corrected data such as MinSellingPrice, FBA Indicator, MAP etc.. and resubmit the process. To demand in the repricer immediately, you may click on 'Run repricer' icon in ChannelMAX 'Inventory.
If you like what you see in your report, you can start feeding prices to Buy.COM by activating the repricer as shown in this link.
If the connection to Buy.COM is tried, it will be recorded in 'Job (Process) Log' and upon successful price feed status column would say '_SUCCESS_' for the number of SKUs repriced.
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