How to Add MAP to ChannelMAX repricer?
You may manually add MAP price for your listings in ChannelMAX as shown in this link.
Or upload a file in tab delimited text format (.txt) with the following 3 columns using 'File Uploader'.
Selling Venue
How MAP works?
We can feed new price along with MAP price set in ChannelMAX Repricer. As a first step, MAP price should be uploaded to ChannelMAX for the specific SKUs for which MAP is applicable. You may read more about in this link. Once MAP is updated/uploaded to ChannelMAX, you may enable reprice rule#46a, 46b and 46c as needed.
(46a) Feed Map Price:
Along with price feed, MAP will also be fed to Amazon. If your MAP is more than the price fed by ChannelMAX, then Amazon will hide the price and potential buyer will have to click on 'AddToCart' button to see the price.
(46b) Map price is my floor price:
When this rule is check marked, your price will never be lower than MAP. At no cost, your price will be below your floor. For example, say your MAP is $21.00 and floor is $18.00, with this rule# 46b checked, your price will be never below MAP $21.00, on the other hand say your MAP is $18.00 and floor is $21.00, with this option checked, your price will be never below your floor $21.00.
(46c) Reprice below MAP if other seller is selling below MAP:
Item will never be re-priced below floor price. Please note that if the offer price if less than MAP, Amazon will hide the price in Amazon. You may read why here.
Bulk delete MAP from ChannelMAX
If you wish to remove MAP from ChannelMAX, create a file in tab delimited text format with the following columns and upload this file using 'File Uploader'.
Selling Venue
Note: MAP column should have value populated as -1 to remove MAP from ChannelMAX.
Finally, once the file is uploaded to remove MAP, you may enable option#2m under Settings-->Selling Venues-->Additional Options (at the end of option#2) for the desired Amazon locale by clicking on 'Additional Options' under option 2, so that, your prices which were hidden earlier are displayed in Amazon's offer listing page.
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