1) Amazon credential in ChannelMAX
Once your account is created using the registration link under www.channelmax.net, your Amazon credentials are saved in Settings-->Account--> Selling Venues section with Repricer option#"2(A). Enable Repricer" set to "Yes". During sign-up, if you choose a 'CONTINOUS' repricing plan, meaning to reprice in real-time, we need AWS key pairs for your Amazon account. With the help of AWS Keys, we would migrate your repricer to Amazon's latest Subscription API. You may Click here to generate AWS Keys and save them in your account. This real-time repricer schedule would work parallel to the existing schedule.
2) Inventory Import
Using your Amazon credentials, we auto-download your active listings from Amazon Seller Central with the current Amazon price set under the Max column with floor (Min price) missing. These auto-downloaded listings are displayed under the Repricer screen. SKUs without a price will not get repriced.
3) Manual edit of Min and Max prices in ChannelMAX
a) Login to selling.channelmax.net
b) Click on Repricing
c) Enter Ceiling and floor prices as needed based on your costs under the Max column(for ceiling) and Min column(for floor).
d) Click on the 'Save' icon to apply changes for all SKUs.
4) Repricer setup
As a part of the default setting, an algorithmic repricer is enabled. In Algorithmic repricing, ChannelMAX automatically tries to maximize your price against nonFBA competitors and then tries to lower your price to help get buybox. The default strategy for your FBA SKUs is to match prices with the lowest FBA competitors and Amazon. For your nonFBA SKUs, the repricer would lower your price by 1 cent against FBA competitors and Amazon and match the price with the lowest nonFBA competitor. If you are selling the same ASIN with one FBA and another nonFBA SKU, the repricer would automatically keep your nonFBA SKU price 1 cent above your own FBA SKU price, so that your FBA SKU gets better exposure for buybox.
5) How to activate the repricer?
By default, the repricer would be running in report mode only for a demonstration purpose. You may navigate to 'Settings-->Inventory-->Repricing Model', and set rule#"Enable" to "Yes" to auto-feed prices to Amazon seller central as per the repricer frequency selected at the time of registration. This repricer frequency is displayed under the 'Settings-->Processes-->Process Setup' page.
6) How to check if the repricer is running normally?
Once repricer is made live by setting reprice rule# 'Enable' to 'Yes' under Settings-->Repricing-->Repricing Model, you may view the entries under Settings-->Repricing-->Feed Status with records '_DONE_' under Status column for the number of SKUs repriced..
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