Here are the details of the ChannelMAX FBA-RefundMAX invoice and the steps to download reimbursement reports.
A. FBA-RefundMAX Invoice
You may download the FBA RefundMAX invoice from ChannelMAX as per the following steps
1. Login to
2. Click on Settings>Account>Billing
3. Click My Invoices> (Type: FBARefunds)
4. Click on the desired invoice ID to view.
Sl No | Column Headers |
1. | Reimb Period |
2. | Market |
3. | Curr |
4. | CMax Reimb Amt Cash |
5. | CMax Reimb Amt Inv |
6. | CMax Reimb Amt Total |
7. | CMax Cases |
8. | CMax Invoice % |
9. | CMax Invoice |
10. | Exch Rate |
11. | CMax Invoice ($) |
Below are the explanations for the 11 columns highlighted in the above table for your understanding;
1. Reimb Period
Reimbursement period considered for the invoice - 201908, 201909, and so on. 201908 stands for August 2019. The reimbursement period is for the month before the invoice date. For example, for an invoice raised in Sep 2019, the reimbursement period will be 2019 08 (i..e, Aug 2019).
2. Market
This is the Amazon marketplace for which reimbursements were issued. There will be multiple line items if reimbursements are for multiple Amazon marketplaces. For example, if for a seller, there are reimbursements for both Amazon US and Amazon UK, there will at least be 2 line items. One for Amazon US and one for Amazon UK.
3. Curr
This is the reimbursement currency code as downloaded from the Amazon report. If there are multiple currencies, for an Amazon marketplace, in which reimbursements were issued, there will be 1 line item for each currency for that marketplace. For example, if reimbursements are issued in both EUR and GBP for Amazon UK, there will be 2 line items for Amazon UK, 1 for the GBP reimbursements and 1 more for the EUR reimbursements.
4. CMax Reimb Amt Cash
For a successful claim, Amazon reimburses in cash or returns an equivalent number of units to your inventory. This column shows the value of the Cash Reimbursements (by Amazon) for the marketplace and currency combination against cases submitted by CMax for the period under consideration.
5. CMax Reimb Amt Inv.
For a successful claim, Amazon reimburses in cash or returns an equivalent number of units to your inventory. This column shows the value of all the Inventory Reimbursements (by Amazon), i.e. the units returned to your inventory on account of cases logged by us, for the marketplace and currency combination against cases submitted by CMax for the period under consideration.
6. CMax Reimb Amt Total
The column shows the value of the Total Reimbursements (cash + inventory) for the marketplace and currency combination against cases submitted by CMax for the period under consideration.
7. CMax Cases
CMax logs cases on your behalf and charges you only for cases that are reimbursed. The column shows the number of cases CMax submitted to Amazon for which there were reimbursements.
8. CMax Invoice %
CMax charges a fee that is the percentage of the amount that Amazon reimburses. This fee varies depending on whether you are submitting the cases yourself (Self-Managed 12%) or CMax submits cases on your behalf (CMax-Managed-15%). This column shows the percentage of reimbursements charged by CMax as a fee, for this invoice.
9. CMax Invoice
CMax invoice value in the reimbursement currency. It is calculated as - CMax Reimb Amt Total * CMax Invoice%.
10. Exchange Rate
Reimbursement Currency to USD conversion rate from Only applicable if the currency is not USD. Please note that ChannelMAX only bills you in USD($).
11. CMax Invoice ($)
This is the amount that is Payable to ChannelMAX in USD($).
B. Download Reimbursement Details
To download the reimbursement details, within your ChannelMAX account, please navigate "FBA Insight-> FBA RefundMAX", then choose the desired Marketplace and click on CMAX REIMBURSED AMOUNT as pointed below to open a new panel.
When you click on CMAX REIMBURSED AMOUNT as shown above, a new panel will display with the list of invoices generated on your account. You may click on the desired ReimPeriod column values to download the report. Please note that the reimbursed period is the month before the invoice date. You may refer to the below image for reference.
Please find the following explanation for each of the column headers for your easy understanding.
Field | Description |
SiteID | Numerical ID for the marketplace. 300 - AmazonUS, 301 - AmazonUK, etc. |
LoginName | The CMax Login Name for the primary CMax User |
SKU | The Merchant SKU for the item |
FnSKU | Fulfillment Network SKU for the item |
ItemName | Product Name of the Item |
CaseType | Cmax Code- 120 for Lost Warehouse, 135 for Damaged and Destroyed, and so on |
AmazonCaseID | Amazon Case ID |
AmznCaseSubmissionDate | The date on which the case was submitted to Amazon |
ReimbursementID | Amazon Reimbursement ID |
ReimbursementDate | The date on which the reimbursement was issued by Amazon |
ReimbursementReason | Reimbursement reason provided by Amazon |
ReimTotal | Reimbursement Total as in Amazon Reimbursement report |
ReimPerUnit | Reimbursement per unit as in the Amazon Reimbursement report |
QtyReimInv | The number of units reimbursed as inventory, from the Amazon Reimbursement report |
QtyReimCash | The number of units reimbursed as cash, from the Amazon Reimbursement report |
QtyReimTotal | The total number of units reimbursed, from the Amazon Reimbursement report |
ReimAmtCash | The cash equivalent of the reimbursement of the units reimbursed as cash. It is calculated as QtReimCash * ReimPerUnit |
ReimAmtInv | The cash equivalent of the reimbursement of the units reimbursed as inventory. It is calculated as QtReimInv * ReimPerUnit |
ReimAmtTotal | The cash equivalent of the total units reimbursed, including inventory reimbursements. It is calculated as - QtReimTotal * ReimPerUnit |
CurrencyCode | Currency code of the Reimbursement - USD for US Dollars, GBP for British Pound, and so on |
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