This Top-Sellers report is the compilation of your SKUs in the order of what sells the most. This report displays the SKUs that bring a certain percent of your total revenue by displaying the SKUs with its Revenue, Cost, Profit, Gross Margin Value in Percent, Gross Margin Quantity in Percent and other information.
Below is the image of the report on how it is displayed in ChannelMAX under the 'Reports-->Sales-->Top Sellers' screen.
Here is the information on each point for a better understanding of the screen.
Sl. no | Fields | Meaning |
1. | Date Range | You may choose the desired date range, such as Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, This Month, etc |
2. | Selling Venue | You may choose the desired selling venue(aka marketplace) if using multiple Amazon locales |
3. | FBA | Type You may choose to view the list of sales on FBA SKUs or nonFBA SKUs |
4. | Redraw | This is to refresh the data displayed on the dashboard |
5. | Site | Selling Venue for which the sales dashboard is displayed |
6. | SKU | SKUs for which you got a sale |
7. | F | F column indicates whether the SKU is FBA or nonFBA(FBM) |
8. | ASIN | ASIN associated with the SKU on sale |
9. | Title | Product Name |
10. | Qty | Number of Units Sold |
11. | GMQ% | Gross Margin Quantity in percentage |
12. | Revenue | Quantity * Sale Price |
13. | Cost | Product unit cost per SKU including Amazon FBA fees and referral markup |
14. | Profit | Profit per SKU |
15. | GMV% | Gross Margin Value(amount) in percentage |
16. | Cumm.Total | The cumulative total amount of the sale |
17. | Cumm% | Cumulative total in percentage |
18. | Download | You may click on this tab to download the sales data displayed on the screen |
19. | Refresh | To refresh the information on the screen |
20. | 80-20 Rule | This shows the number of 20% SKUs which has contributed 80% of your sales. |
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